Kareena Kapoor Khan is set to play a detective in Hansal Mehta’s The Buckingham Murders. On Tuesday, September 3, the trailer was unveiled with a grand launch in Mumbai, with The Free Press Journal in attendance. In the film, Kareena portrays Jasmeet Bamra, a British Indian detective assigned to solve the murder of a 10-year-old child. Additionally, Kareena has made her debut as a producer alongside Ektaa Kapoor with this project.

When asked if her role was inspired by Kate Winslet’s character in Mare of Easttown, Kareena clarified, “The script came to me a year before Mare of Easttown. Actors should draw inspiration from different actors; it is kind of a motivation to make you want to do better. I am a huge Kate Winslet fan and I watch her work closely. This is my interpretation of the character, but there is no harm in actors having an inspiration, as every actor sort of needs some kind of motivation and if it comes from another actor, so be it!”

In response, Hansal added, “This is not Mare of Easttown. Yeh galat fehmi hai ki this is adapted. This is a completely different story and that was also a series.”

Further, the actress revealed that she wanted to play the role of detective. “The character is so special. Everybody enjoys watching a ‘Who’s done it’ movie. I am crazy about watching detective shows, so, I’ve done this film because I wanted to be a detective and I wanted to solve a murder. Now what the murder, or how is it or how is it related to the character, is a big emotional journey I’ve been through, which I want everyone to see.”

Talking about her experience as a producer, Kareena said, “The film is very special to all of us. Today, language does not matter. It is not important which language you are making a film in. What matters is, what are you making. Watch what we have made. We have done this with our hearts. I want to thank my dear Ektaa (Kapoor), who had the belief and guts to always stand by me and say, ‘Okay, we are going to do this together.’ Whatever we have done, we have always been super successful. I am very confident again this time. It is going to be fabulous. She has been my backbone.”

Kareena addressed whether her character Jasmeet in The Buckingham Murders shares any traits with Geet from Jab We Met. She explained, “Jab We Met was a completely different film. It doesn’t matter if you are playing the same authenticity of religion, like if I’m a Sikhni doesn’t mean it’s Bathinda wali Sikhni. I should also be able to play Jas. It’s up to an actor to showcase different parts. I’ve played a prostitute in Chameli, but also in Talaash, but if you put both of them together, they are completely different,” she concluded.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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