Kareena Kapoor attended a Bvlgari event in Dubai, styled by Rhea Kapoor, who described her look as “heavenly.”
She wore a custom blush pink strapless gown by Anamika Khanna, featuring a draped silhouette, gathered pleats, a decolletage-flaunting neckline, and an ankle-length hem with a back slit
A beige-golden silk jacket with vibrant floral thread embroidery and a floor-sweeping length was draped on her arms, adding a regal and classy touch
Her accessories included a rose gold choker necklace with cut-work diamonds, matching drop earrings, rings, and gold pee-toe stilettos with embellished straps
Kareena’s sleek bun, glowing base, and shimmering body contour added to her striking presence at the event
Her makeup featured pink-hued smokey eyes, mascara-coated lashes, feathered brows, glossy pink lips, and rouge-tinted cheeks for a radiant glow
The overall ensemble showcased Kareena’s enviable curves and exuded sophistication and elegance

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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