Kareena Kapoor Khan’s statement: After the nanny who worked at home, Kareena Kapoor has recorded her statement with the police regarding the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor has said in her statement that Saif Ali Khan fought with that person alone. Saif Ali Khan sent the children and women of the house to the twelfth floor to keep them safe. He defended the people of the house due to which he himself got injured.


Kareena Kapoor, while giving her statement to Mumbai Police, said that when the attack happened, Saif Ali sent the children and women down to the bar. Saif Ali tried his best to keep children and women safe. Saif Ali Khan tackled the attacker to prevent him from reaching his younger son Jahangir. Kareena Kapoor also said that the attacker did not steal from the house. But he was very angry. And in anger he attacked Saif Ali again and again. After this incident, Kareena Kapoor got scared so Karisma Kapoor took her to her home.


Statement of the nanny working at Kareena Kapoor’s house

Before Kareena Kapoor, the nanny who took care of her children recorded her statement in the police. He told the police that he has been working in Kareena Kapoor’s house for the last four years. On January 15, around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, he suddenly heard a strange sound. She saw the bathroom light on and went to check it when a man came out and started walking towards Jeh. Seeing him, she approached the children but the man warned her by pointing at her so that she would not make any noise.


The attacker demanded Rs 1 crore. Hearing the noise in the room, Kareena and Saif also reached there. When Saif Ali stopped the angry man from going near the children, he attacked him. Due to which Saif Ali Khan got stabbed at many places. The young man ran away after the attack.


After this incident, injured Saif Ali Khan along with Taimur reached Lilavati Hospital in an auto rickshaw. With courage he reached Lilavati Hospital and started his treatment. The team of doctors also praised Saif Ali Khan’s courage. After surgery, a 2.5 inch piece of knife was removed from Saif Ali’s spinal cord. At present 35 police teams are searching for the accused.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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