Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan’s much-awaited film, The Buckingham Murders, is finally set to hit the silver screens on September 13, and the trailer of the film was launched by the makers on Tuesday. In the film, Bebo plays a no-nonsense detective, and by the looks of it, the film is expected to be an edge-of-the-seat murder mystery.
The story is that of Detective Jasmeet Bhamra, played by Kareena, who is hellbent to solve a gruesome murder in Buckingham. She arrests a Muslim youth as part of the investigation and this gives rise to massive communal tension in the city, resulting into the spilling of a can of worms. While investigating the murder, Jasmeet is also battling with the demons of her past following the death of her own child.
Directed by Hansal Mehta, The Buckingham Murders shows Kareena in one of her rawest forms, sans the makeup and glamour that the ‘diva’ is usually known for. Throughout the the 2-minute-34-seconds trailer, Kareena, the ‘actor’, shines bright.
The trailer also offers a glimpse of renowned celebrity chef Ranveer Brar, who has turned actor for the film, and he can be safely called impressive, if not more. The trailer is laced with intense music and dark undertones, in tandem with the mysterious storyline.
The story of The Buckingham Murders has an uncanny resemblance to Kate Winslet’s American show, Mare Of Easttown, in which the actress played a detective investigating the murder of a young kid in the neighbourhood.
The Buckingham Murders also stars Ash Tandon, Rukku Nahar, Keith Allen and others in key roles. Kareena has also co-produced the film along with Ektaa Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor.