After the attack on Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor has expressed her displeasure towards the media. He reshared a video on his Instagram account, saying that he needed to be left alone. Expressing anger in her Instagram story, Kareena wrote, “Stop it now, have some heart, for God’s sake leave us alone,” along with a folded hands emoji.
In this video, new toys were shown in Kareena’s house for her children Jeh and Taimur. His displeasure is evident, as he is currently upset about the accident that happened at home. Kareena has already appealed to the media and paparazzi to maintain her privacy.
After this reaction of Kareena, her fans have also supported her on social media. Many fans have appealed to give privacy to Kareena’s family and requested to stop such news. This is not the first time that Kareena has expressed her views openly; Her husband Saif Ali Khan’s fans and Kareena’s followers are standing with her in this difficult time.
Let us tell you, Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife in his Bandra house on 16 January. After this incident, Kareena is in the hospital with her family and is taking care of Saif. Recently, Kareena took her sons Taimur and Jeh to the hospital to meet her husband. According to doctors, Saif’s condition is improving, but he has not been discharged yet.