Bigg Boss 18 winner was announced on Sunday (19th January 2025). Karanveer Mehra took home the trophy, and like every year this time too there’s a debate on social media about who the winner should have been. The top 3 of Bigg Boss season 18 were Rajat Dalal, Vivian Dsena, and Karanveer Mehra. A lot of people on social media felt that Rajat Dalal should have been the winner, and if not him then Vivian. However, many netizens feel that Karanveer Mehra is the perfect winner as he was playing the game very well.

Now, recently, during an interview with Mid-Day, Karanveer opened up about how he is planning to use the prize money. He said, “I haven’t yet collected my Khatron Ke Khiladi money, but I plan to fund the education of my staff’s children. This is something I’ve been considering for a while. I’m already doing it to an extent, but some of them wish to study further, so I plan to sponsor that for them.”

This statement of Karan has of course gone viral, and netizens have different opinions on it. While some are calling it a PR stunt, some are praising the actor for this good deed.

A netizen wrote, “The last thing I expected to hear – I’m KV PR.” Another X user posted, “He dint get a penny from the show. Nor the car. That was deal to make him the fixed winner. So stop this fake propaganda now. PR package tagda liya hai Mehra ne.”

An X user praised Karan and wrote, “This is called a real winner Had there been anyone else in Karan’s place, he would never have felt like this.” One more netizen commented, “Great Decision God bless him with more and more success.”

Karanveer Mehra is the second actor who has won Khatron Ke Khiladi and Bigg Boss. Earlier, Only Sidharth Shukla had this record. Well, on social media, many people have been comparing Sidharth and Karan for multiple reasons.

Now, Bigg Boss 18 has come to an end, so all eyes are on Bigg Boss OTT season 4.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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