Actor Karan Veer Mehra, who recently won the reality show Bigg Boss 18, gave a befitting reply to trolls and haters, and while at it, he seemingly took a dig at Rajat Dalal, who looked visibly upset after the former lifted the trophy. On Tuesday, Karan was spotted in Mumbai, and he was seen having a fun banter with the paparazzi.
In a video that has now gone viral, an ecstatic Karan can be seen striking the signature Shah Rukh Khan pose in front of the paps. A photographer then mentioned that some people looked unhappy after he was declared as the winner. While neither the pap nor Karan took names, he responded, “Jalde do jalne walon ko, hum trophy leke jayenge!”
He did not just stop there, but in his own quirky manner, said that he has only one message for all those who are unhappy about his win, and went on to stick his tongue out at the camera in a teasing way, leaving the paps in splits.
The pap was seemingly referring to Rajat whose angry and upset reaction to the winner announcement had gone viral after the grand finale of Bigg Boss 18.
After running for over 100 days, Bigg Boss 18 finally concluded on January 19, and Karan was declared the winner while Vivian Dsena emerged to be the first runner-up. Rajat Dalal ended up being the second runner-up on the show.
Post the finale, Rajat was spotted on the sets in a sour mood, and he even did not congratulate Karan like the others did on stage. Later, he told Zoom that while he was confident of his fan support when he was inside the Bigg Boss 18 house, reality hit him once he stepped out. “We were inside the house and unaware of how the voting was going. I conducted myself properly inside the house and remained aware of everything happening around me there. But I didn’t know what was going on outside, as we didn’t have access. Now that everything has happened, we can’t change it,” he said.
While netizens blamed Elvish Yadav for Rajat’s loss, the latter shut them up by posting a photo with him with the caption, “Do bhai dono tabaahi! (sic).”