Former captain Kapil Dev, who led India to a historic victory in the 1983 Cricket World Cup, has reacted to the recent statement of Yuvraj Singh’s father and former cricketer Yograj Singh. Yograj Singh had alleged that Kapil Dev had thrown him out of the Indian team, due to which he was so angry that he even thought of killing Kapil.

Kapil Dev’s sober response

When journalists and photographers asked Kapil Dev about this statement of Yograj Singh on Monday, Kapil replied in a very restrained manner. He asked, “Who is it?” What are you talking about?” When the reporter clarified that this statement was given by Yuvraj Singh’s father Yograj Singh, Kapil Dev just said, “Ok, anything else?”

Yograj Singh’s allegations

Yograj Singh, who himself has been a fast bowler, made serious allegations against Kapil Dev during a podcast. He said, “When Kapil Dev became the captain of India, North Zone and Haryana, he dropped me from the team without any reason.”

Yograj also revealed that after this incident he was angry and had reached Kapil Dev’s house. He told, “I went to Kapil’s house in Sector 9 with a pistol. He came out with his mother. I abused him and said, ‘I have lost a friend because of you.’ I told him I wanted to shoot him, but because of his mother I stopped.”

Yograj’s career and allegations against Kapil

Yograj Singh made his international debut for India on 21 December 1980 in an ODI against Australia in Brisbane under the captaincy of Sunil Gavaskar. His international career lasted only three months, in which he played one Test and six ODI matches. Yograj alleged that his career ended suddenly because of Kapil Dev.

Mention of Yuvraj Singh’s career

Yograj also said that after this incident he decided that he will not play cricket, but his son Yuvraj Singh will. He said, “I told Kapil Dev that he will have to pay the price for what has happened. I decided that I will make my son a cricketer.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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