Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut questioned the silence of Indian politicians and feminists over protest against her latest film Emergency in the UK. For those unversed, the screening of the film was disrupted at a theatre in London on January 18 after a bunch of pro-Khalistan activists stormed inside the cinema hall and demanded that the movie be halted. They were even seen engaging in verbal spat with the audience inside the theatre.

On Friday, Kangana reacted to British Parliamentarian Bob Blackman raised concerns on Khalistani sympathisers disrupting screenings of Emergency.

In Parliament, he stated that everyone must stand against anyone trying to silence free speech. “I raised the horrific intimidation of my constituents and many others, as Pro-Khalistan thugs disrupted screenings of the new Emergency film in cinemas. Some cinemas have even pulled the film in fear of more disruption. We must stand up to anyone trying to silence free speech” the Minister wrote on X.

Reacting to his post, Kangana wrote, “British MP raises his voice for my fundamental right of free speech meanwhile pin drop silence from Indian politicians and feminists #Emergency.”

Emergency, which chronicles the political turbulence during India’s Emergency period in 1975, when Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister, has faced backlash in certain quarters for ‘misrepresentation’.

Controversies surrounding Emergency

Emergency marked the directorial debut of Kangana and she has also played the lead role in the film. The film has been at the centre of controversies ever since its first look was released, and after multiple delays and setbacks, it released on January 17.

The film was earlier scheduled to release in September 2024, however, it was postponed at the last minute after the Censor Board refused to grant it a certificate.

Additionally, it has been facing opposition from certain Sikh organisations in Punjab, who accused the makers of misrepresentation and objected to its release.

Earlier, Kangana had also revealed that she had to sell her Mumbai property to fund the project after the postponement, an ordeal she never anticipated while bringing this film to life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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