Kangana Ranaut in her upcoming film emergency Salman Khan’s show for the promotion of bigg boss 18 I arrived. During this, while talking to the photographers, he talked openly about the show and his film. Kangana said that the contestants did big dramas and created ruckus in the show, but she herself set an example of dictatorship.

Kangana’s statement: big drama and chaos

In a video, Kangana was asked whether an emergency task took place, to which she replied, “These people did big dramas. Created huge uproar. But I have shown dictatorship by going inside.”

Kangana announced top 4 contestants

Kangana also revealed the names of the top 4 contestants of the show so far, including Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian DeSena, Isha SinghAnd Chum Darang Are included.

Kangana’s experience in Bigg Boss

This is not the first time Kangana has come to Bigg Boss. Even before when that film Tejas When she came to the show for the promotion of , she did dance and mimicry with Salman Khan, which was very much liked by the audience.

Kangana’s film Emergency

Kangana’s film emergency That late former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi Is playing the character of. The film is also directed by Kangana herself, and it recently received a certificate from the CBFC. emergency Will be released in theaters on January 17.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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