Bollywood actress and MP Kangana Ranaut is currently surrounded by controversies regarding her upcoming film ‘Emergency’. The release date of the film was earlier fixed as 6 September, but due to not getting the certificate from the censor board, its release date has been postponed. Many questions have been raised about the film. The answer to which has not been received yet. Meanwhile, Kangana has announced her new film ‘Bharat Bhagya Vidhata’, due to which her fans are very excited.
Announcement of the film ‘Bharat Bhagya Vidhata’
Kangana’s new film will be produced in collaboration with Babita Ashiwal’s Unoya Films and Adi Sharma Floating’s Rocks Entertainment. These two producers are making a film together for the first time. In which Kangana Ranaut will be seen in the lead role. Kangana shared information about the film on social media on September 3 and said that she is very excited about this project. The story of the film will pay tribute to the unsung heroes of the country, especially based on the lives of blue-collar laborers and working class. Who have played an important role in the creation of India.