Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut now finds the situation in the country disappointing. The release of her film ‘Emergency’ has been postponed due to the suspension of the censor certificate. In that regard, Kangana has revolted so much that now I am disappointed with the country.
Kangana said in a podcast that an emergency has been imposed on my film. This is a very disappointing situation. I am very disappointed with the country and the condition of the country today. The actress further said that even before me, Madhur Bhandarkar had released ‘Indu Sarkar’ in 2017. There was no controversy. While my film was once approved for a censor certificate, but the certificate was stopped.
Sikh org.zations have opposed the film and the Punjab unit of BJP itself has warned the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting against giving the film a green signal in a hurry. When the censor certificate of the film was withheld, the next date of release of the film on 6 September has been postponed.