The Kandivali police arrested Shawn Raymond Payas, alias Srikanth Shetty, 21, for allegedly extorting Rs 36.89 lakh from a 60-year-old man in Kandivali West. The accused knew the victim had an extramarital affair and threatened to defame him in society and kill him by revealing the affair to his wife. They also demanded an additional Rs 1.4 crore. According to the complaint filed by the 60-year-old victim, who resides with his family in Dahanukarwadi, Kandivali West, he was having an affair with the female accused.

The accused threatened to expose the affair to his wife. On August 23, the accused, Shawn, a resident of Mira Road, forcibly placed the complainant in his car and took him to his residence in Kandivali West. The accused then forced the victim to withdraw Rs.14,500 from his pocket at knifepoint. Over the next few months, the complainant’s girlfriend, her daughter, and Shawn continued to threaten him. By December 13, they had extorted Rs 30.88 lakh in cash, Rs 3.98 lakh via Google Pay, and an iPhone 15 Pro Max worth Rs.1.88 lakh, totaling Rs 36.89 lakh.Fearful of the threats, the complainant complied with the demands.

However, on December 10, the accused demanded an additional ransom of Rs.1.4 crore. Unable to meet such a huge demand, the victim finally approached the Kandivali police and filed a complaint. As a result, the police registered a case and arrested Shawn in the S.V. Road area of Kandivali.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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