Mumbai: Actor Vikrant Massey, who was first known for TV serials like ‘Balika Badhu’, later for web series like ‘Mirzapur’ and most recently for acclaimed films like ’12 We Failed’, has retired from acting at the age of just 37. Announced his retirement and left countless people behind. Fans and Bollywood celebrities are in shock. There is also speculation about whether Vikrant is really taking a permanent or temporary break or is it some Bollywood style publicity stunt. It is also being discussed whether Sanyasi’s announcement has any connection with the death threats he and his family received after the release of Vikrant’s latest film ‘Sabarmati Report’ on the Godhra incident.

Vikrant announced his retirement from the field through a post on social media late last night. He wrote that he would quit acting and focus on his duties as a husband, father and son. He wrote that the last few years have been amazing in terms of career but now the time has come to return home.

Some time ago, Vikrant had said in an interview that after the film ‘Sabarmati Report’, he and his newborn child were receiving death threats, I think what kind of society are we living in? Be sorry, don’t be afraid. If there was fear then the truth would not have been brought out by making this film.

One or two films of Vikrant are yet to be released in 2025. Then it is clear that he will not accept any big project now. Some time ago there were speculations that Vikrant has been offered the role of villain in Ranveer Singh and Kiara Advani’s ‘Don 3’.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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