Mahakumbh Nagar: In a shocking incident, just days before the commencement of Maha Kumbh 2025 in Prayagraj, the Juna Akhara expelled Mahant Kaushal Giri for seven years following allegations of accepting a 13-year-old girl as a “daan” (donation) and initiating her as a Sadhvi (female ascetic).
About The Case
The Akhara’s leadership convened an emergency meeting on Friday, presided over by senior officials and the Ramta Panch, to address the controversy. The minor girl, seen dressed in ascetic attire, was promptly returned to her family in Agra.
The incident has sparked widespread outrage, raising concerns about the ethical practices within certain religious traditions. According to reports, Mahant Kaushal Giri claimed the girl was offered to him by her family as a donation. Renaming her “Sadhvi Gauri,” he had planned to formally induct her into ascetic life during the Maha Kumbh, intending to perform rituals that included her symbolic funeral rites (Pind Daan) to signify renunciation of worldly ties.
The leadership of the Juna Akhara acted swiftly, expelling Kaushal Giri and condemning his actions as a violation of tradition and ethics. “The Akhara stands firmly against practices that harm the dignity of individuals, especially minors,” said a spokesperson for the Akhara.
About Mahakumbh Mela 2025
The Maha Kumbh, set to begin on January 13 with the first holy dip on Paush Purnima, has already attracted saints and pilgrims from across India. While the sprawling camps and the grand Akharas are ready to welcome millions, this controversy has cast a shadow over the preparations. Visitors to the Maha Kumbh expressed dismay at the incident.
Ramesh Yadav, a devotee from Varanasi, said, “The Kumbh is a sacred event, and such actions tarnish its sanctity. Religious leaders must ensure that such unethical practices are not repeated.”
Sunita Mishra, a teacher from Kanpur, added, “It is heartening to see the Akhara take immediate action, but this incident highlights the need for vigilance and accountability within spiritual institutions.”
The controversy underscores the need for stricter oversight and safeguards within religious organizations, particularly during events of global significance like the Maha Kumbh. As the world’s largest congregation of faith gears up to showcase India’s rich spiritual heritage, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the responsibilities that come with upholding traditions and values.