Actor John Abraham recently attended the Nasha Mukt Navi Mumbai program, an anti-drug awareness campaign launched by Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis. While addressing the students present, the actor made a surprising revelation, stating that he has never touched drugs in his life. Further, the Pathaan actor urged the students to be role models, good citizens, and to train hard to build strong muscles, setting a positive example.
He said, “I want to say to students, I have personally not touched drugs ever in my life, also no smoking, no drinking, but no drugs is very important. Be very disciplined in life, be a role model to your friends, colleagues. Be a good citizen of Maharashtra, India, and train hard to get some good muscles.”
Check out the video:
John further congratulated Navi Mumbai Police Commissioner Milind Bharambe and Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis for the initiative. “This is a very important initiative for Maharashtra and the youth of Navi Mumbai,” he added.
On the work front, John was last seen in Vedaa, which was released in 2024. The film also starred Sharvari, Tamannaah Bhatia, Abhishek Banerjee, Ashish Vidyarthi, Kumud Mishra, Rajendra Chawla, Tanvi Malhara, Anurag Thakur and Urvashi Dubey, among others.
The film clashed with Shraddha Kapoor’s Stree 2 and Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein at the box office on Independence Day, August 15, 2024.
Next, John has Tehran in his pipeline alongside Manushi Chhillar, which is produced by Dinesh Vijan. The film is reportedly based on real-life events on the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine war.