Mumbai: A tumour weighing as much as four newborns was removed from a 33-year-old woman’s abdomen by doctors at JJ Hospital on Wednesday. The average weight of a newborn is nearly 3kg. Prior to the surgery, she weighed 80kg, which reduced to 66.75kg after the surgery. Doctors said it was a rare surgical procedure.

About The Case

The patient, Amrin Shaikh, a resident of Worli and mother of three children, was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain and extreme bloating. She was diagnosed with a 13.25kg tumour. Her condition had worsened over time, with her abdominal girth increasing significantly. Following an ultrasound recommended by her local doctor, a large tumour was detected, prompting her admission to JJ Hospital. After extensive tests, the surgical team decided to perform the procedure using the conventional open-surgery rather than laparoscopy due to the tumour’s size and complexity.

The operation, lasting two to three hours, was led by Dr Rajesh Yadav, Dr Supriya Bhondve, and Dr Kashif Ansari, with anaesthesia administered by Dr Bharat Shah.

“This type of surgery is extremely rare, occurring only once or twice a year,” said Dr Ajay Bhandarwar, the head of the general surgery department.

“The tumour was biopsied before surgery, ruling out cancer. However, a portion of it has been sent for further testing to confirm the findings.”

Expressing her relief, Amrin said, “The doctors at JJ Hospital have freed me from months of pain. I feel so much “This case highlights the expertise and dedication of our surgical team,” added Dr Bhandarwar.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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