Chandigarh:The nomination process for the post of state president was completed on Wednesday as part of the organizational festival of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Outgoing president Jitendra Pal Malhotra has filed his nomination papers for the post. The special thing is that no other nomination has been made for this post, making it clear that Jitendra Malhotra will once again be the state president of BJP. His name will be officially announced at 11 am on Thursday.
For this election process, BJP’s National General Secretary B.L. Santosh and election officer Dr. Narinder Singh Raina were present at BJP office Kamalam in Chandigarh.
B.L. Santosh and Dr. Raina held separate talks with BJP leaders and councilors. During this time, some nominated councilors and elected councilors opposed the name of Jitendra Malhotra, but after discussion with the party leaders, consensus was reached on Malhotra’s name.
Apart from this, along with the election of the State President, the members of the National Executive were also elected. Senior BJP leader Sanjay Tandon has once again been elected as National Executive member, while former MP Kirron Kher has also become a part of this executive.
Now there will be two members from Chandigarh in the National Executive. The national president of BJP will be elected by the members of this executive.