India will host the ODI World Cup 2023. Meanwhile, former veteran Indian women cricketer Jhulan Goswami received the trophy in Kolkata during the World Cup trophy tour. Veteran Jhulan Goswami poses with the trophy. He hopes that Rohit Sharma and Co. will repeat the 2011 World Cup in this World Cup. Team India last won the ODI World Cup in 2011 under the captaincy of MS Dhoni. The final match of the World Cup was played against Sri Lanka at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the 2019 World Cup, the Indian team lost to New Zealand in the semi-finals.
Explaining the importance of the tournament, Jhulan Goswami in an interview said, “Just like the Olympics is the biggest event for an athlete, similarly the ODI World Cup is coming after 4 years for a cricketer.” During this, Jhulan Goswami also interacted with the school children. The former Indian women fast bowler talked about supporting Team India in the World Cup regardless of the result. He said, “Losing and winning are part of the game. But he will always be our hero. so support them and their
stay together.”
World Cup will start from October 5
Let us tell you that this time the ODI World Cup will start from October 5 while the final match will be played on November 19. The tournament will start from the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, while the final match will also be played here. A total of 48 matches including knockout matches will be played in the tournament. A total of 10 teams will participate in the World Cup. In this World Cup played on home soil, there will be more pressure on Team India to win the title. Through this World Cup, Team India would also like to end the drought of the ICC Trophy which has been going on for the last 10 years.