Ranchi. The seating arrangement of ministers and opposition leaders has been decided in the proceedings of the sixth assembly of Jharkhand. In the ruling party, along with the Chief Minister, the ministers have been given a place in the front row. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Radhakrishna Kishore A seat has been reserved next to the Chief Minister. Apart from this, seats in the front row have also been earmarked for several other ministers and MLAs.

Seats in the front row of ruling party ministers

The ministers who will sit in the front row in the new assembly of the Jharkhand government include:

  1. Radhakrishna Kishore – Parliamentary Affairs Minister
  2. Deepika Pandey Singh
  3. Deepak Biruwa
  4. Hafeezul Hasan
  5. Sanjay Prasad Yadav

A seat has been reserved next to the Chief Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Minister Radhakrishna Kishore, which shows the importance of his work.

Other MLAs also get place in the front row

Apart from the ministers, some other MLAs have also been given front row seats:

  • Rabindranath Mahato
  • Mathura Mahato
  • Hemlal Murmu
  • Udayshankar Singh

Also, MLAs from the ruling party Suresh Paswan, Ramchandra Singh, Rameshwar OraonAnd Pradeep Yadav have also been provided seats in the front row. Due to this, importance has been given to the presence and role of important leaders of the ruling party.

Seats earmarked for opposition leaders

Seats in the front row of the Assembly have also been earmarked for opposition leaders. These include:

  1. Babulal Marandi
  2. Saryu Rai
  3. Champai Soren
  4. Neera Yadav
  5. CP Singh

The seats of these leaders show that even in the opposition, the role of prominent leaders is considered important in the Assembly.

Stephen Marandi and Kalpana Soren’s seats for the post of Speaker

after being elected speaker Rabindranath Mahato on the seat of Stephen Marandi Will sit. There itself, Kalpana Soren in the second row for Lewis Marandi The seat has been assigned with. This arrangement has been made to maintain efficient operations and balance in the Assembly.

Information about speaker election process

In his address, the Protem Speaker of the Assembly informed the MLAs about the process of election of the Speaker. Welcoming the newly elected members, he said that a new chapter of the Assembly is beginning.

He said that the Governor Legislative Assembly Procedure and Operating Rules Under sub-rule (1) of rule 8 of 10 December (Tuesday) The date for the election of the Speaker has been fixed.

Key points of the speaker election process:

  1. Enrollment Process ,
    • Any member can nominate another member for the post of Speaker before midday on Monday.
    • This nomination will be approved by another member.
    • No member can propose his own name.
  2. review of proposals ,
    • All the proposals will be placed in the House on Tuesday in the same order in which they have been presented.
    • If necessary, the decision will be taken through voting (division).
  3. speaker’s announcement ,
    • As soon as a motion is seconded, the Presiding Officer will announce that the member concerned has been elected Speaker.

Tribute to the brave martyrs of Jharkhand

Protem Speaker paid tribute to the brave martyrs of Jharkhand. He said that all the MLAs should remain dedicated to building a developed and strong Jharkhand as per the dreams of the martyrs.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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