Amritsar: In a horrific incident, a jewellery shop owner, Simarpal Singh, was shot in the head after a dispute over a gold transaction at Tali Wale Chowk in Punjab’s Amritsar. The terrifying incident, which took place in broad daylight, was captured on CCTV camera installed in the area. It can be seen in the video that the accused shot the man in the head in a fit of rage outside the victim’s jewellery shop.
The people present with the victim were panicked and were not even able to nab the accused who fled the spot after the incident. The incident has exposed the poor state of law and order in Punjab and has raised serious concerns about the safety of the people in the state.
Warning: Disturbing Video. Viewer’s Discretion Advised.
Details About The Incident
As per reports, Simarpal Singh, who was the owner of Jaypal Jewelers, was at his shop when Jasdeep Singh Chann and his family approached him for a discussion about a gold deal. The conversation soon escalated into a heated argument. After the argument, Jasdeep left the shop along with his family. He left them at home and returned to Jaypal Jewelers with a gun and shot Simarpal Singh in the head.
The shooting was recorded in the CCTV cameras installed at the shop. It can be seen in the video that both, the accused and the victim, came out of the shop while arguing. Later, Jasdeep pulled a gun and shot Simarpal in the head due to which his turban came out of his head and he fell to the ground. His associates were seen in the video screaming for help as the accused fled the spot. Simarpal was taken to a private hospital in Amritsar where he later died due to bullet injuries in the head.
Police Investigation
The police confirmed that the incident was related to a dispute over the gold transaction. Jasdeep Singh Channa, the accused, fled after the attack. The police have registered a case and are investigating the incident. They have formed a team to nab the accused who is on the run.
The police said that the suspect will be arrested soon. The police are also taking statements from Simarpal’s family.
The tragic incident has shocked the locals, with many shopkeepers expressing concern over the growing tensions in the market related to gold transactions. The police have assured the public that they are working quickly to apprehend the accused and bring justice to the victim’s family.