By bus on Mumbai-Nashik Highway Rs. Rs 1.68 crore. Four unidentified thieves stole a jeweler’s bag from an MSRTC bus near Umbermali village on the Mumbai-Nashik Highway in Thane on Saturday night, in which jewelery worth Rs 2 lakh was stolen. The bag contained jewelery worth Rs 1.68 crore and Rs 2 lakh in cash. After the theft, the accused fled in the car. Police have registered the case and started investigation with the help of CCTV footage.


went down to get water and it got stolen

A case of major theft has come to light on the Mumbai-Nashik Highway in Thane district of Maharashtra. Unknown accused stole the bag of a passenger in the bus, which contained around Rs 50 thousand. Jewelery worth Rs 1.68 crore and Rs. 2 lakh cash. The incident happened near Umramali village at 1.30 pm on Saturday night. Police say that investigation is going on and the thieves will be caught soon. According to Kasara Police Station Inspector Suresh Gavit, jeweler Kiran Kumar Purohit, resident of Bhayandar East, was returning from his business trip. He used to bring cash and gold jewelery from Ahilyanagar district. He got down from the bus after keeping the bag on the seat to buy water, when four unknown thieves stole the bag.

The accused fled towards Mumbai

After the theft, the accused fled towards Mumbai in a car. The bus driver tried to chase them, but could not catch him as the thieves’ car was at high speed. Police have started investigation with the help of CCTV footage and other technical means to catch the thieves. Kasara police has registered a case in this matter under theft and other sections of the Indian Penal Code. Inspector Gavit said that the theft incident seemed to be planned. The police team is making every possible effort to identify and arrest the suspects.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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