Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Ganderbal in Jammu and Kashmir on Monday. Here he inaugurated the Jade-Mora tunnel. During this, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari were also present with him. In his address after the inauguration of the tunnel, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah thanked PM Modi for conducting peaceful elections in the Union Territory. He said that you kept your promise and completed it in 4 months. You conducted elections in the valley without any kind of disturbance.
Jammu and Kashmir CM Omar Abdullah said that I am talking to you here as the Chief Minister.
Jammu and Kashmir CM Omar Abdullah said, ‘You (PM Modi) said 3 very important things during your program in Srinagar on International Yoga Day. You said that you are working to bridge the distance between heart and Delhi and this is proved by your work. Meanwhile, you told the people of Jammu and Kashmir that elections will be held soon and people will get a chance to choose their government through their votes. You expressed your views and elections were held within 4 months. A new government was elected and the result is that I am here talking to you as the Chief Minister.
People participated enthusiastically in the elections
He said that people participated enthusiastically in the elections and there were no complaints of malpractice or abuse of power anywhere. CM Omar Abdullah further said, ‘Prime Minister, you had also promised to restore statehood to Jammu and Kashmir. People keep asking me about this and I keep reminding them that PM Modi fulfilled his promise of holding elections. I am confident that soon this promise will also be fulfilled and Jammu and Kashmir will again become a state of this country.