Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): The Special Police Establishment (SPE) Lokayukta has caught an SI red-handed accepting a bribe in MP’s Jabalpur on Friday. The accused allegedly demanded Rs 10,000 for processing a challan, following which the victim filed a complaint against him.
The SI was caught in a net planted by the Lokayukta officials. The SI had already received Rs. 5000 as the first installment and was caught while accepting the other installment. The SI has been taken into custody and is being interrogated.
According to information, the accused, identified as Vinod Dubey, is a sub-inspector at the Civil Lines police station in the city. According to sources, the Lokayukta team received a complaint from the victim, identified as Jahangir Khan, who alleged that the SI demanded ₹10,000 for processing a challan. Moreover, Dubey had already accepted ₹5,000 as the first installment of the bribe.
On Friday, the Lokayukta team laid a trap and caught him while taking the remaining amount. Following the arrest, Dubey was taken to the Circuit House for further interrogation. The Lokayukta police confirmed that a case under the Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against Dubey. Investigations are underway to gather more evidence related to the matter.