Jabalpur, September 5 (HS). More than 70 students of the city’s government girls college are being sent obscene videos and messages on WhatsApp for the last four days. On Thursday, the students complained about this to the college principal and the police. All the students are from BA first to final year. According to the students, obscene videos and messages were sent to them on WhatsApp. After this, they are getting voice and video calls from some person. He introduces himself as a police inspector and says that if you watch such things, I will complain about this to your parents. If you want to be saved, you will have to pay money.
It is being told that more than 50 girl students, out of fear, have transferred money ranging from Rs 3,000 to Rs 20,000 online to the number given by the accused. Police is investigating this matter.
A student said that I also received a call on Thursday afternoon. The caller told his name as SI Vikram Goswami posted in Gorakhpur police station. He said that a complaint has been filed against you in the police station. Nude videos and photos have been sent to someone from your number. Now the police is coming to your house soon. Transfer the money soon. The student complained about this to the college management. Another student studying in the college said that dirty videos and photos are also being sent to my WhatsApp since two days.
When the workers of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) came to know about the matter, they took the students to the college and the police station. The students told here that obscene videos and photos have been sent to more than 70 students. A student told that she transferred Rs 1500 due to fear of fraud.
In this regard, the college manager says that the complaints of the students have come to light today. Some students have even paid money out of fear. A written complaint of this entire incident has been given to Jabalpur Collector, SP, Mahila Thana and Madan Mahal Thana. It is also being investigated how the mobile numbers of the students reached the fraudsters.