The holy festival of Chaitra Navratri is going to start soon, which will be celebrated from March 30 to April 7 this year. These nine days have special significance in Hinduism, and during this time devotees worship the nine forms of the Devi and try to please them. Apart from worship and practice, fasting during these nine days of Navratri also has special significance. Fasting is considered beneficial not only from a religious point of view, but also in terms of health. The body is relaxed by taking a sattvic diet, which internally cleanses and improves the body. However, it is important to note that fasting for nine days is not healthy for everyone. There are some health conditions in which fasting should be avoided, or fasting on the advice of a doctor. Let’s know, who should avoid the fast of Navratri.

Pregnant women do not fast

Pregnant women should avoid fast for nine days. Cereals are not usually consumed during Navratri fast, while a woman requires adequate nutrition during pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs nutrients and calories in the right way, which can only be obtained from grains. Therefore, Navratri fast should be avoided in pregnancy.

Newborn’s mother also do not fast

Along with pregnant women, the mother of a newborn child should not fast during Navratri. The baby gets completely nourished from mother’s milk for six months, and breastfeeding women require more calories for themselves and for the baby. If there is a deficiency of calories, it can negatively affect the health of both mother and child. That is why the mother of the newborn should avoid fast for the entire nine days of Navratri, although she can fast on the first and last day.

Anemia patients should avoid fasting

Anemia means that Navratri should not be fasted even if there is lack of blood in the body. Anemia causes weakness in the body, and keeping fasting can further increase this weakness. If you are suffering from anemia, then take advice from a doctor before fasting.

Do not fast for a long time

If a person has been struggling with a disease for a long time, he should not fast for nine days of Navratri. There is weakness in the body during illness, and fasting can increase this weakness. In this situation, fasting without doctor’s advice is not right for health.

Diabetes patients should not keep fast

Diabetes patients should also avoid fasting for nine days of Navratri. Diabetes patients have to take special care in their diet, so that their blood sugar level is controlled. But it can be difficult to take the right diet during fasting, causing blood sugar level to become unbalanced. Therefore, diabetes patients must take a doctor’s advice before fasting.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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