Sana Raees Khan criticizes Allu Arjun’s arrest: A stampede broke out during the screening of Allu Arjun’s film ‘Pushpa 2’, leaving everyone shocked. Allu Arjun himself came to watch his film with his fans at the screening of the film at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad. A stampede broke out in the crowd that had gathered to see the actor and a woman named Revathi died in it. The woman’s 9 year old son Shretej was seriously injured and is still on ventilator.

Lawyer Sana Raees Khan supported Allu Arjan

The police had also arrested ‘Pushpa 2’ star Allu Arjun in this case, although he got bail the next day. But people are upset with Arjun’s arrest. Criminal lawyer Sana Raees Khan, who is now a part of Bigg Boss 17, has also supported Allu Arjan. Sana, who has been involved in many high profile cases, has said that the film star cannot be blamed for this tragic incident as the responsibility of managing the crowd lies with the event organisers, not the actors.

Sana supported Allu Arjun

Sana said, ‘Allu Arjan’s strong stardom also brings with it a passion and tremendous fan following. Since such popularity can cause crowds to get out of control, it is very important to understand that crowd management is the responsibility of event organizers and local officials, not the actors. Sana further said that Allu Arjun was blamed for a mistake which was beyond his control. This is not only unfair but also sets a bad example for others in the entertainment industry.

Actors cannot be held responsible for every incident involving fans

Sana further said, legally, Allu Arjun’s interim bail reflects the judicial system’s understanding that perhaps there was no need to arrest him. To determine criminal liability there must be evidence of negligence or evidence directly linking them to the negligence. But according to the facts that have come to light, nothing like this seems to be happening. Actors cannot be held responsible for every incident related to their fans. Unless there has been some practical error on their part or some lapse in relation to public safety.

Sana also advised the actors that they should change themselves a bit to avoid such legal cases. They themselves should ensure that safety guidelines are followed, security arrangements are proper and crowd control is done properly. Let us tell you that Allu Arjun was sent to judicial custody for 14 days in the stampede case. Later he was granted interim bail for 4 weeks on a bond of Rs 50,000.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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