Parenting Tips: Nowadays, raising children has become a difficult duty. Compared to earlier, the norms regarding parenting have changed a lot today. There are many types of parenting such as gentle parenting, authoritarian parenting, submissive parenting, authoritative parenting, neglectful parenting. Of all these, authoritarian parenting is considered the strictest. In this, the parents prove their point and give strict instructions to the children to follow it.

Strict parenting in this situation has its advantages and disadvantages. Its benefits are very short term. The foundation of strict parenting is based on fear. This, in a way, intimidates the child and teaches the child that the one who is powerful is right. Parents who practice strict parenting cannot tolerate anything wrong happening to their children and so, as a way of protection, they give their children strict rules and regulations.

Due to this, a line is drawn in which the child remains completely safe, but if the child crosses it then he definitely gets punished. With this type of parenting, the child immediately obeys his parents and does not care about his own feelings to keep them happy.

Let us know the main disadvantages of strict parenting-

Sad and sad childhood – When the child has to follow some rules with which he is not happy and at the same time he is not able to express his feelings openly, he starts feeling sad which can lead him towards depression.

Problem of antisocial behavior- Children brought up in strict upbringing are not able to talk openly with people. They are scared from within which makes them anti-social.
Stealing and lying- Children lie because of the fear of being scolded if they make a mistake. If desires are not fulfilled then the person has to adopt wrong paths like theft, lying etc.
There are many other disadvantages of strict parenting like-

  • lack of confidence
  • easily influenced by friends
  • Problems in future relationships
  • overthinking

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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