As soon as summer arrives, the outbreak of mosquitoes increases. As soon as the evening is, mosquitoes enter the house in such a way that it becomes difficult to escape despite millions of efforts. It is clear that only one method is not enough to protect against mosquitoes. For this it is necessary to adopt a holistic approach. While the use of products with dangerous chemicals can be avoided, mosquitoes can also be kept away with some home remedies. Today we are going to tell you a simple way, so that you can get rid of mosquitoes. For this, you only have to mix some natural things in the water of wipes and mop all over the house. In this way, the house will be cleaned, as well as mosquitoes, flies and other insects and insects will also stay away from your house. So let’s know about these effective home remedies.
1. Mix vinegar in water
Vinegar, which is often used in the kitchen, is very effective in removing mosquitoes. For this, add a little vinegar to the bus wipe. Now mop the whole house with this water. It will keep away not only mosquitoes, but also small insects and flies. Apart from this, vinegar will not only keep the house clean due to its cleaning properties, but will also remain archaerate.
2. Use essential oil
A few drops of essential oil in wipe water can also provide relief from mosquitoes. To keep mosquitoes away, you can use lavender, lemonagrass, peppermint and clove essential oil. Their fragrance is disliked by mosquitoes. Also, their use helps to keep flies and small insects out of the house. The best is that these oils will smell your house throughout the day.
3. Use Neem
Neem has been used since ancient times to protect against mosquitoes. Whether it is to apply neem oil on hands and feet, or to burn neem leaves and fumigate it, these have been effective remedies. You can also get rid of mosquitoes by using neem in wipes. For this, boil some neem leaves, mix their water in wipe water and mop it all over the house. If you want, you can also mix a few drops of neem oil in water. This will not only protect against mosquitoes, flies and small insects, but will also provide protection from bacteria.
With these easy and effective home remedies you can get rid of mosquitoes and other insects and keep your home clean and safe.