Paris, (France): A knife attack was attacked by a knife in the eastern French city of Mulhouse, bordering southern Germany and northern Switzerland, and killed a man with a knife and seriously injured two police officers. French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday described the incident as an act of Islamic terrorism.

Giving this information, the newspaper France-24 (France Twenty-Fore) has said that after the arrest of this attacker, the French National Terrorism Acadek A wonder unit (PNAT) said that the attacker first raised the slogan of Allahu Akbar and then indiscriminately with the knife. Started attacking.

The attacker has been identified as a Portuguese citizen. French President Emmanuel Macron said that the incident was a terrorist incident. There is no doubt that it was an Islamic terrorist incident. The government is committed to ending terrorism.

It is also learned that the terrorist from Algeria, originally from Algeria, had reached Portugal, from where he went to Portugal and from there to France. He also took Portuguese citizenship.

Earlier in 2015, there were terrorist attacks in Europe. The office of Charlie Hebdo, the owner of the magazine publishing the satirical cartoon of Prophet Muhammad, was also attacked. According to the Hest newspaper, a policeman was seriously injured.

Al -Hauthis Mayor Mitchell Lutz said on Facebook that the judiciary would have to determine whether the attack was a terrorist attack or not.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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