According to Vastu Shastra, every direction of your house has special significance and it is advisable to keep some special things in them. Similarly, an important place in the house is also the north-east corner. Let’s know its importance and some things related to it.

In Vastu Shastra, the north-east direction or northeast angle has immense importance. It is considered the most auspicious and powerful direction of the house. It is believed that it is associated with prosperity, peace and spiritual progress in your house. The north-east direction of the house is also called the ‘Ishaan angle’ direction, which is related to Lord Shiva, the god of creation and destruction in Hinduism. This direction is considered very important for the health, wealth and prosperity of the residents of that house. The right place and alignment of elements in this direction helps in bringing positive energy and balance. According to Vastu Shastra, the north-east direction is associated with the water element, which is considered a symbol of stability and purity in life.

The flow of positive energy in this region promotes mental clarity, financial prosperity and spiritual development. This direction is considered to be the best suitable for home temples, meditation rooms or studies. However, the importance of this direction increases only when it is kept clean and organized. Heavy goods, chaos or wrong construction of places like bathroom and kitchen can weaken the energy of this direction. Let’s know about the importance of northeast and its rules from Vastu expert, numerology and tarot card reader Madhu Kotia.

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What is the north-east corner of the house?

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Ishaan angle is the north-east direction of the house, in Vastu Shastra it is seen as the most sacred and auspicious direction of the house. This direction is located at the meeting point of four major directions north, south, east, west and east and north. This direction has a special place in Hinduism, as it is seen as the direction of God. This direction affects the mental and physical health, prosperity and relationships of all the residents of the house.

The north-east corner is also called the ‘spiritual gate’ because it controls the flow of energy and helps in maintaining peace and balance in the house. Due to its characteristics, this direction is used for activities such as meditation, worship and study.

Importance of north-east direction

The north-east direction combines physical and spiritual aspects. According to Vastu Shastra, this direction is a symbol of purity, knowledge and spiritual progress. It is believed that the flow of energy in this direction affects mental clarity, mental peace and financial prosperity. For the flow of positive energy continue uninterrupted, it is important to keep the north-east clean and dislocation free. This direction enhances the person’s relationship with divine power and provides inner peace. In the north-east, a puja room, small temple or meditation place can help attract positive energy and blessings.

Also, since this direction is associated with knowledge and intellect, it is also considered ideal for studies. If study tables or books are kept in this direction, it helps the students studying concentration, attention and mental clarity.

What to keep in northeast angle

Although the northeast angle is considered to be the most sacred place in the house, but it is considered necessary to keep some special things at that place. Let’s know what to keep in the northeast angle-

Keep the temple of worship in the north-east corner of the house

If you talk about the temple in the house, then the northeast corner is considered the best direction for the house. By keeping a small temple or religious idol in this region, you can get positive energy and blessings of gods. Due to being a place of worship in this direction, there is always the grace of God on the people living in the house and there is happiness in the house.

Keep the living room in the north-east corner of the house

If your house is big then the living room can also be kept in the north-east corner of the house. Usually this area should be kept open and ventilated and should be rich in natural light. Keeping a living room in this direction keeps harmony between family members and brings happiness. The living room built at this place also helps in harmonizing your relationships.

Keep the study room in the north-east corner of the house

It is considered best for students to create a study room in the north-east direction. It is believed that this place promotes studies, intelligence and educational progress. In the study room, your study table should be kept facing east or north.

North-east direction rules for home

To get full benefit of northeast angle, it is necessary to follow some Vastu rules. If you follow these rules, then there will always be happiness in the house.

  • Always keep the north-east area of ​​the house clean and chaotic. Keeping heavy goods or unnecessary things in this area can disrupt the flow of energy, so it is necessary to take care while keeping any goods here.
  • Since this place is connected to the water element, it can be auspicious to keep a source of water in this direction such as a small fountain, aquarium or water pot. However, keep in mind that the water should be clean. Stayed water at this place can harm your life.
  • There should always be good light and air flow in the north-east region so that the flow of positive energy remains uninterrupted. Natural lighting is particularly important for this region, so do not block windows or doors with heavy curtains or furniture.
  • Large or heavy furniture should not be used in this direction, as it can block the flow of energy and cause imbalance in the house. Instead, use light and minimal furniture.
  • Light and cool colors like white, cream, light blue and yellow are most suitable for this direction. These colors promote peace, mental clarity and mental peace. Do not use deep and intense colors in the north-east direction.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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