KKR bought the most expensive player for Rs 23.75 crore. This amount has been spent on Venkatesh Iyer. After spending such a huge amount, it seemed that he would also be made the captain of the Kolkata Knight Riders team. Venkatesh Iyer himself expressed his intention to become the captain. But now something else is coming in the news. According to reports, KKR is not considering making Venkatesh Iyer their captain, but instead making the man whom they bought for just Rs 22.25 crore. Let us know who that player is.

KKR bought Rahane for 1.5 crores

Kolkata Knight Riders have bought Ajinkya Rahane for his base price of Rs 1.5 crore. Rahane was earlier a part of CSK but did not stay there.

Rahane also has the experience of captaining Rajasthan Royals, Mumbai Indians, Delhi Capitals, Rising Pune Supergiants and CSK in the IPL. In such a situation, if KKR is considering giving him captaincy, then obviously his experience will be useful.

Rahane can become captain

Times of India has written quoting sources that at present it is 90 percent confirmed that Ajinkya Rahane can become the new captain of KKR. KKR has bought him for a special reason. However, this is yet to be officially approved.

This will be Ajinkya Rahane’s second stint with 3-time IPL champion KKR. Aga was a part of this franchise in IPL 2022, where he scored 133 runs in 7 matches at a strike rate of 103.91.

Rahane was a part of CSK in IPL 2023, where he scored 326 runs in 14 matches at a strike rate of 172.49. CSK also won the IPL title for a record 5th time this year. IPL 2024 was not a good one for Rahane, where he scored just 242 runs for CSK at a strike rate of 123.47. This year the team could not even qualify for the playoffs.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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