Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Questioning of women members of the inter-state gang busted by Koh-e-Fiza police on Friday revealed that they have serious cases registered against them in Delhi and other states. One of the members Anjali Naidu was arrested in Delhi for stealing a child and later had a case of loot registered against her in Odisha, police officials said.

Moreover, another member Jyoti Ratnam has a case of loot registered against her in Dhar. Police have arrested four women who were identified as Anjali Naidu (30), Nagma Naidu (30), Jyoti Gola Ratnam (35) and Madhu Naidu (30). The women claimed that they belong to South India but were living in Madangiri area of Delhi for past many years.

The gang stopped a woman on pretext of asking an address near Lalghati and then looted her gold chain on Wednesday. Moreover, they confessed snatching gold chains from nine women during a religious procession at Lalghati on January 1. The women were arrested while they were present at a programme in Rachna Nagar. However, Madhu’s brother Anshu managed to dodge the police team and immediately arranged for a lawyer to get the women released.

The gang members confessed to committing crimes in Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Odisha, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and other states. In-charge at Koh-e-Fiza police station Brajendra Marskule said questioning of the women till now has indicated that the gang has a vast network spread in multiple states. Names of some more members may surface during further questioning, he added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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