Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In a breakthrough, Koh-e-Fiza police on Friday busted an inter-state gang of vagabond criminal gang and arrested four women who confessed to have looted a gold chain from a woman near Lalghati on Wednesday. The women, all in their early 30s hail from the southern part of the country but are currently residing in Delhi.
The gang roams around in different states and commits crimes, police officials said. In-charge at Koh-e-Fiza police station TI Brajendra Marskule said following a tip off a police team arrested the four women near Gandhi Nagar on Friday. A looted gold chain worth Rs 1.25 lakh and a car was recovered from their possession.
A man managed to give police a slip and efforts are on to trace him, he added. The accused were identified as Anjali (30), Nagma Naidu (30), Jyoti Gola Ratnam (35) and Madhu Naidu (30). The women said they have been living in Madangiri area of Delhi for past many years.
Questioning from the women revealed that they stopped a woman on pretext of asking an address near Lalghati and then looted her gold chain. They even assaulted the woman and fled the spot. Moreover, they confessed snatching gold chains from nine women during a religious procession at Lalghati on January 1.
The arrested women were being questioned further to ascertain their involvement in similar other crimes in the city.
Modus Operandi
The gang usually commits thefts and chain snatchings at religious processions, programmes and ‘kathas’.
They mingle with other women in the crowd and divert the attention of their target while their partners snatch gold chains and other jewellery. The gang members confessed to have committed crimes in Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Orrissa, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and other states. They mostly take trains and private vehicles to avoid being traced and arrested.