Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Assembly Speaker Narendra Singh Tomar asked the members of various assembly committees that instead of going on tour of foreign tourists places such as Maldives and Switzerland, they shall do tour of entire Madhya Pradesh to check that whether different government arrangements are in order or not.

They shall present the report of their state tour so that government can do the desired improvement. He was addressing the joint meeting of newly constituted committees of Madhya Pradesh Assembly on Tuesday. There are total 23 committees of assembly and of them, two are yet to be constituted.

He underlined the need for constitution of assembly committees over implementation of National Education Policy (NEP), Ayushman Bharat Yojana and Bharat Nayaya Sahita (BNS) in State.

In this regard, norm committee will shortly present the blue print after contemplation. Underlining the importance of various assembly committees, he said committees are above ruling party and opposition.

The committee members shall essay their role in dedicated manner and it shall be ensured that no pending works remains with the committees. He also vouched for regular meetings of committees.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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