Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A fine of Rs 5,000 was slapped on Dwarkapuri police station in-charge inspector Ashish Sapre while a sub-inspector and head constable were fined Rs 1,000 each for inefficiency and negligence in connection with the death of a 20-year-old student after a kite string slashed his throat.
To recall, on Tuesday evening, Himanshu Solanki (20), a resident of Manawar in Dhar district was going to buy an LPG cylinder with his friend Vinod when a kite string got entangled around his throat near Phuti Kothi Bridge. He suffered a deep cut and later died in hospital. His family members alleged that they were running around to get the FIR registered as the cops were sending them from one police station to another.
They alleged that initially they went to Chandan Nagar from where they were sent to Dwarkapuri and Annapurna police stations. Additional DCP Anand Yadav said that the action was taken against the policemen entangled in jurisdiction dispute, leading to delay in reporting the incident and filing an FIR. A letter released by DCP (zone-4) Rishikesh Meena said that head constable (HCM) Pratap Patel of Dwarkapuri police station, who was on duty on January 14, got information about the incident.
Considering the incident spot between Gopur Chauraha and Phooti Kothi under the jurisdiction of Annapurna police station, he told the computer operator to note it under Annapurna police station. Patel did not inform Dwarkapuri police station in-charge Ashish Sapre and attendance officer sub inspector Kamlesh Dabar present at the police station, said the letter. Later, complainant Santosh reached Dwarkapuri police station and informed SI Kamlesh Dabar about the incident.
Despite this, Dabar neither informed police station in-charge Ashish Sapre nor verified the spot through beat staff, which showed gross negligence towards duty. This behaviour of SI Kamlesh Dabar and head constable Pratap Patel regarding such a serious incident showed lack of mutual communication between inspector Ashish Sapre and his subordinates and he had also been negligent towards his official duty by not making any efforts to obtain information about the serious incident that took place in the police station area.
Therefore, inspector Ashish Sapre was punished with a fine of Rs 5,000 while SI Kamlesh Dabar and head constable Pratap Patel were punished with a fine of Rs 1,000, the letter said.