In an inhuman incident on Christmas night, railway staff at Lucknow’s Charbagh Railway Station were caught splashing cold water on homeless families and travelers sleeping on the platform, allegedly for cleaning purposes. The incident came to light when members of NGO ‘Innovation for Change Innovative Pathshala’ arrived at the station to distribute tea.

On the cold night of December 25, as homeless families sought shelter under the station roof, railway cleaning staff forcibly woke them up by throwing cold water, adding to their misery in the already harsh winter conditions.

According to NGO members, who were there for their annual Christmas night charity distribution, they found poor families shivering in wet clothes when they arrived. “When we asked what happened, they told us about the cleaning staff’s actions. This incident not only shows inhumanity but also highlights the railway administration’s insensitivity,” a member stated.

When questioned about the incident, railway authorities were evasive in their response. Sources indicated that while platform cleaning is a routine procedure, such behavior is not permissible. “Platform cleaning is part of regular maintenance, but such treatment of people cannot be allowed,” an official said.

The NGO has filed a written complaint with railway authorities demanding strict action against those responsible, and stated they would escalate the matter to higher authorities and the Human Rights Commission if necessary.

“We distribute tea and food to the needy every Christmas night. Finding people shivering in wet clothes on such a cold night was distressing. This is completely unacceptable behavior by railway staff,” the NGO representatives added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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