Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Passengers travelling abroad will soon benefit from a new yellow fever vaccination centre at Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital. A central government team from Delhi visited the hospital on Saturday to inspect and finalise the location for the centre and assured the hospital authorities that the centre would be operational soon.

According to MY Hospital superintendent Dr Ashok Yadav, the team has finalised a vacant space in the OPD for starting the centre which will be operated after the OPD hours. Currently, travellers from Indore must go to Bhopal or other states for the vaccine, often facing long waits, additional expenses, and wasted time. The upcoming centre will ease these challenges significantly. Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory for travel to 43 countries, including Kenya, Egypt, Algeria, Ghana, Nigeria, and Ethiopia.

A vaccination certificate is a prerequisite for obtaining a visa to these destinations. Hospital officials stated that staff members would be trained for vaccination at centres in Delhi or Mumbai. However, the cost of the vaccine is yet to be determined. Passengers departing from Indore frequently encounter difficulties due to limited vaccine availability in nearby districts. Long queues and travel-related expenses exacerbate the problem. A previous inspection of MY Hospital for this facility had failed to secure approval due to the location.

Yellow fever vaccination critical

Yellow fever, spread by certain mosquitoes, can lead to severe symptoms such as fever, jaundice, organ failure, and internal bleeding. Vaccination is essential for travellers visiting countries where the disease is prevalent to prevent infection and ensure safety during their trip.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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