Indore (Madhya Pradesh): With the buzz of the Chief Minister’s arrival in the city on 26th January, the district administration has started special preparations. While the list of officers to be awarded on Republic Day is sent from Bhopal, the district administration has proposed the names of 15 officers and employees, for award during the Republic Day function.

Officers and employees who have done excellent work in their respective departments are to be honoured in the 26th January programme, for which the list is prepared every year, but after the instructions of the Collector, those who have taken innovative initiatives in CM Helpline and their respective departments have also been included in the list.

Three officers who have done excellent work in CM Helpline have been nominated. While Juni Indore tehsildar Lokesh Ahuja has maintained his place by resolving 98% of the cases, assistant engineer Gandhinagar Gaurav Dubey of Energy Department has also achieved 97% success in resolving CM Helpline cases. Meanwhile, junior supply officer Priyanka Agarwal of Mhow is among those who have done excellent work in her department by completing 88% of the work.

However, according to information received from sources, even her departmental officers did not want to give her the award, but after being nominated by the Chief Minister’s Office, her name has been moved forward in the list.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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