India’s smartphone market could cross the $50 billion (about Rs 4.2 lakh crore) mark by 2025, taking it to its highest valuation ever, a market research firm has estimated. This growth is mainly driven by the value-centric approach adopted by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) as well as the growing preference of Indian consumers towards premium and high-specification devices. The report also said that the smartphone market is expected to grow by 6 percent year-on-year (YoY), with Apple and Samsung maintaining the dominant position.

Smartphone market valuation in 2025

According to the India Smartphone Outlook report released by Counterpoint Research, the average retail selling price (ASP) of the Indian smartphone market may cross the $300 (approximately Rs 26,000) mark for the first time in 2025. This is expected to take the total valuation of the market to $50.3 billion (approximately Rs 4.3 lakh crore). In 2021, this market was valued at $37.9 billion (about Rs 3.2 lakh crore), indicating the growing demand for smartphones.

The trend is increasing towards phones costing more than Rs 30,000.

According to the report, Indian consumers are now preferring smartphones priced above Rs 30,000 and in the ultra-premium segment. Brands like Apple and Samsung are leading this change. Apple expects high demand for its Pro models, the main reasons for which are local manufacturing and low cost. At the same time, Samsung’s value-focused strategy is expected to help the company sell more devices, especially its flagship Galaxy S-series.

Launch of OnePlus 13 can be a gamechanger

According to the analysis, OnePlus aims to increase its market share in the ultra-premium segment (above Rs 45,000) through the OnePlus 13, scheduled to be launched on January 7. However, the problem of green line on the display of smartphones had affected the company’s performance in early 2024, now the company is offering life time warranty to the customers to deal with this problem.

Increase in market share of premium segment

Additionally, brands like OnePlus, Oppo and Vivo that offer products in the affordable category (Rs 30,000-45,000) are now attracting customers with advanced camera systems and better designs. It is estimated that the market share of the premium segment will exceed 20 percent by 2025.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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