The sixth edition of the India Science Festival (ISF) concluded on Sunday, January 12, 2025, at Fergusson College in Pune. The two-day event, which was open to the public with free admission, successfully fostered discussions, workshops, and demonstrations in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. Colleges and institutes had the opportunity to register through the festival’s official website for updates and schedules.

Organised annually by the Foundation for Advancing Science and Technology (FAST India), a non-profit dedicated to strengthening India’s science and technology ecosystem, ISF provided a platform for scientists, researchers, students, and enthusiasts to explore and communicate scientific advancements.

This year’s festival featured an impressive lineup of distinguished speakers, including Payal Arora (Utrecht University), Lav Varshney (University of Illinois), Hayat Sindi (Diagnostics for All), Jason D’Cruz (University of Albany), Laura Herman (Adobe), and Adriana Marais (Proudly Human). Other notable participants included Priyadarshi Panda, Sujatha Ramdorai, Sedat Gundogdu, Vidita Vaidya, Thomas Barlow, Sumathi Rao, and Poonam Thakur.

The event also benefited from contributions by experts such as Joao Antunes Pequenao (CERN), Shubhendu Bhasin (IIT Delhi), K Thangaraj (Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology), SP Arun (IISc), Rajesh Gopakumar (TIFR), Jahnavi Phalkey (Science Gallery Bengaluru), and Shriya Srinivasan (Harvard).

While ISF did not provide accommodation, visitors had plenty of hotel and guesthouse options in Pune. The event successfully attracted a wide range of participants, celebrating and engaging with cutting-edge advancements in science and technology.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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