India’s 21% population will be elderly in 25 years: Although India is currently considered a country of youth, soon India will also be known as some famous countries as a country of elders and the elderly. In just two decades, the population of old people in India will be very large. A recent report states that 150 million people of India’s total population are currently 60 years or older. This figure will increase in the near future.
The fertility rate in India is decreasing.
In the year 2050, 21 percent of India’s population or about 350 million people will be elderly. The fertility rate in India is decreasing and the number of elderly is increasing. The increasing number of elderly in the country is having a major negative impact on India’s development and economy. According to sources, this situation arising can cause a hindrance in the way of becoming a developed country of India.
The average life expectancy which was earlier 41.2 years has now reached 72 years.
It is noteworthy that India recently celebrated its Republic Day. There have been very big changes in the cycle of 75 years. The population of the country is now much less than that time. Apart from this, the life expectancy in India which was 41.2 years at that time, has now reached 72 years. This figure reflects the average life expectancy of any normal and healthy person. This figure is an achievement for a country with rare population like India. The average life expectancy in a country with a population of 1.40 billion is just less than a global average.
The number of elderly people in India is 15 million, which will reach 35 crores in two and a half decades.
Currently, half of India’s population is 29 years or less. This means that it can be said that estimated 700 million people are young. This large number is promoting India’s economic growth. According to a report, in the last two and a half decades per capita GDP has increased an annual rate of 0.7 percent on average. Now this situation has changed. For the first time, the number of elderly in India is increasing. Currently there are 150 million elderly people in India, who will reach about 350 million after two and a half decades. The number of elderly people will be more than the current population of America. This is likely to slow the Indian economy.
India will go away from its dream of becoming developed.
According to experts, the population of a country has a direct impact on the benefits and contribution of its people. The current population growth in the country and increasing number of elderly people are likely to decrease in public participation in the next quarter. This is expected to contribute only 0.2 percent to the growth of GDP. According to economic experts, only one generation has happened in India that can lead the country towards prosperity. Subsequently, the country’s population will come to the point where people’s share in GDP will be very low. One result of this will be that India will become a country of elderly before it becomes a developed country. India will be far behind its goal of becoming a developed country. The number of retired people in the country is increasing. India’s fertility rate is also decreasing. This rate is on the verge of falling up to 2.0. Currently, each an elderly person has about 10 young people, but it will decrease in the near future. This figure will be reduced to seven or eight. India’s elderly population is likely to grow a dramatic growth in the next two and a half decades.
There is a complete possibility that the condition of the elderly will get worse.
The country currently has adequate adults and youths for the care and monitoring of the elderly. It will gradually decrease in the coming time. As the number of people working and taking financial responsibilities will be reduced, income and savings will also decrease. As a result, elderly Indians may also face financial difficulty and loneliness. This can cause heavy burden on health services. Since a large part of both individual and government income is spent on the care and health of the elderly, the savings of the younger generation will be reduced. Experts also believe that the average life expectancy of women is higher than that of men. They may have to suffer more. The government has various government schemes for the elderly and can also come, but they will not apply or all will not get benefit.
It will have a major impact on social, economic and political levels.
Due to the increasing number of old people in the country, services will be more needed for hospitals, health services, medicines and remedies and care. Families will have to spend more on the care of the elderly, which will reduce their savings, or the members of the house will have to take leave, which will reduce their income. In any way, time and money related issues have to be resolved. If young people flee abroad for income and work, then the Indian social system will suffer more damage. Apart from this, there will also be a crisis on the economic front. Especially if the number of old people increases, the workforce will decrease. This will reduce productivity. Government expenditure on issues like pension, health facilities and social security will also increase. The number of youth working on new ideas and technologies will also decline. If the number of working people decreases, then income tax and other tax revenue will also decrease, which will affect the government treasury. Politically, the burden on the country is increasing. If the population of the elderly increases, there will be differences in ideology and indifference to new policies and reforms will also increase. If the number of youth decreases, then employment opportunities will also be reduced and dissatisfaction will increase in the general public, which is also a difficult situation from political point of view.
Birth rate will have to be increased and technology will have to increase.
Efforts should be made from now on to deal with the situation arising due to the increasing number of elderly in the country. First, steps need to be taken to bring back people from abroad or make foreigners more attractive to work and invest in India. In addition, economic and health conditions need to be strengthened long -term so that the elderly can be easier and inexpensive. The development and use of techniques like AI and Automation should be increased in a phased manner only when the number of youth in the current era is high. This will help in removing the lack of workforce in the future. In addition, work will also have to be done to increase the declining birth rate. The government will also have to issue financial assistance, health assistance and incentive schemes for this. This will increase the population and the younger generation will be prepared.
The number of elderly in these countries increased
Japan: The situation in Japan is such that more than 30 percent of the population is currently elderly. Their average age is 65 years or more. There has been a huge shortage of the workforce due to the growing elderly population here. The burden and pressure on pension and health services has increased. There has also been a major decline in the population. According to sources, depending on the current status of Japan, its current population is 130 million which will decrease to 85 million after two and a half decades. Japan has focused on dealing with this situation and using AI and robot to the workforce. They are also insisting on making policies to attract foreigners.
Italy: Italy’s name also comes in the growing elderly population. Currently, 24 percent of its population is elderly. The birth rate here is very low. The recession has come due to the abroad migration of young people. In addition, there has also been pressure on social security. The situation is similar in France, Spain and Canada. Because of this, foreigners are being welcomed by the government.
Germany: The number of skilled workers in Germany has decreased, as the elderly population has reached 22 percent. There is a huge burden on the pension system. It is also having a negative impact on economic development. This is why Germany has made efforts to attract workers and intellectual capital from countries like India, Türkiye and Poland. Apart from this, emphasis is also being laid on digital revolution and automation sector.
South Korea: Here too, 20 percent of the country’s population has become elderly. This is the lowest birth rate in the world. Here the birth rate per female is 0.72. Due to this, the new generation is declining and there has been a major decrease in the workforce. Out of these young people are not getting married and they are not interested in raising family. The government is encouraging youth to marry and have children by providing financial assistance. Apart from this, foreigners are also being proposed to settle here.
China: The number of elderly in China is half. A large number of people here are over 60 years of age. The number of elderly has increased due to a one-child policy adopted in China for decades. There is a decrease in the workforce here, due to which economic development is also being disrupted. There is a slowdown in the country. The number of older people has increased, so the cost of their care has also increased. Incentives are also being given to increase birth rate. Now the government is also considering increasing the retirement age of its employees.