The second match of the ongoing 5-match Test series between India and Australia is being played in Adelaide from Friday. Mohammad Siraj bowled at an economy rate of 2.90 in this match, but he did not get any success. Now a video is going viral on social media very fast, in which it is being claimed that the fast bowler bowled the ball at a speed of 181.6 km per hour. Know how much truth is there in this.


Siraj bowled at a speed of 181.6 kmph?

This incident happened in the 25th over of Australia’s innings. Mohammed Siraj bowled the fourth ball of the over, on which the broadcaster saw the speed of his ball at 181.6 km per hour. Everyone was surprised to see this. Fans thought that the Indian bowler had made a new record, but this is not true. Incorrect speed shown on screen due to broadcaster error.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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