The Adelaide Test between India and Australia witnessed an incredible drama when Virat Kohli had to go back to the dressing room after being given a no-ball by Indian batsman KL Rahul. Here Rahul was out without opening the account on the ball of Kangaroo fast bowler Scott Boland, but a no ball gave him life. After the umpire gave Rahul out, Virat was moving towards the crease, but after the decision on Rahul, the umpire stopped him near the boundary.

Drama happened in live match

When the TV replays were checked with a snickometer, it was found that the ball had not touched Rahul’s bat. At this time Rahul must have felt that the ball has hit his bat. If there was no no-ball here, Rahul would have been out without any reason. After this, Virat went back to the dugout and here Rahul took command again. However, Rahul could not take advantage of this gift of life and returned to the pavilion after scoring 37 runs on 64 balls. Fast bowler Mitchell Starc made him his victim.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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