Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Income Tax Department conducted raids on Wednesday at the premises of Rajesh Sharma, owner of Trishul Construction Company, and his associates in Bhopal. The action targeted over half a dozen locations across the city.

The raids were carried out in areas including Neelbad, Ratibad, Suraj Nagar, Mendora, and Kasturba Nagar, with CRPF personnel deployed at the sites. Over 25 CRPF personnel were stationed at the raid sites to maintain security.

According to information, Rajesh Sharma is reportedly connected to a former Chief Secretary and a former minister. Officials suspect Sharma’s business ties with influential political leaders facilitated lucrative contracts. The raids targeted locations in Neelbad, Ratibad, Suraj Nagar, Mendora, and Kasturba Nagar. Properties associated with Sharma’s associates, Deepak Bhavsar and Vinod Agrawal, were also searched.

According to sources, raids were also conducted at the residence of a real estate businessman in connection with the case. A team of CRPF personnel accompanied the Income Tax Department officers during the raid. Over 25 CRPF jawans were deployed at the residences and the raid sites for safety.

About Rajesh Sharma

Rajesh Sharma is a major player in the mining and construction business, he leads a crusher operators’ association and holds contracts for mines and crusher operations in and around Bhopal. He is also engaged in major construction projects, including contracts for CM Rise Schools.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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