To have healthy and beautiful skin, it is important that you include nutrition-rich foods in your diet. The beauty of your skin does not depend only on external care, but it needs to be nourished from within. Dieticians say that the effect of eating right can take about six to eight weeks to be visible on your skin. This is because the skin has many layers, and it takes time for the effects of diet to reach the topmost layer. Therefore, include the following foods in your diet to enhance the beauty of your skin:

  1. Lemon:

    Drinking lemon water every day improves the complexion of your skin. It improves your metabolism, cleans the liver and provides Vitamin C to the skin. You can also add lemon juice to salads and vegetables.

  2. Beetroot:

    Beetroot purifies your blood and improves skin health. Consuming it regularly improves blood circulation, which keeps your skin beautiful and spotless. Include it in the form of salad, vegetable or soup.

  3. Water:

    Drinking enough water is essential to maintain skin moisture. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily keeps both your skin and hair healthy. Water helps flush out waste materials from the body and keeps cells healthy.

  4. Almond:

    Almonds have been consumed for centuries to enhance the beauty of the skin. The magnesium present in it improves blood circulation. Eating almonds regularly makes your skin healthy and beautiful.

  5. Coriander:

    Coriander leaves contain Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C and chlorophyll in abundance. It helps in removing skin blemishes and protects from the effects of free radicals. You can use it as a garnish in salads and other dishes.

By including these nutrition-rich foods in your daily diet, you can not only make your skin healthy from within, but also enhance its beauty. Remember, be patient and take time to see results!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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