Botad News: Sugarcane is a perennial member of the gram family. Perennial means that once planted, there is no need to replant. This way the product remains available for many years. Sugarcane is a family plant. If we plant one eye, many plants emerge from it and a family is formed. A family can produce a maximum of 108 plants. But not all plants can take the form of sugarcane, in chemical farming 6-7 sugarcane plants emerge from one bud. Whereas in natural farming we get 12 to 21 sugarcane plants from one eye.
Thus, the sowing time of sugarcane is considered to be from August to 10th November. Sugarcane should be sown at this time. But if possible, pulses should be harvested before sowing sugarcane.
Farming: Level the land before taking up sugarcane production. After leveling, apply 400 liters/acre of denatured water. Final plowing after sowing and tillering is 400 kg. But do light plowing. Mix into solid/acre soil. Then plow in north-south direction.
Selection of sugarcane for seeds: 8-9 months old sugarcane should be used for seeds. It should contain 12% sugar content. The color of the plant should be green and the eye should be raised upwards. The entire sugarcane should be green and healthy. If possible, experiment with sugarcane produced from organic farming. This will give 30 percent more production. Cut the seed eye from the sugarcane in such a way that the width behind the eye is 2/3 and the width in front of the eye is 1/3. Because, sugarcane germinates from the central part and after the food is finished, it takes food from the front part. One acre of land requires seeds equal to one bunch of sugarcane. Before ploughing, collect crop residues at one place. Before final ploughing, apply 10 kg Ghanjeevamrit and then make furrows at a distance of 8 x 8 feet. Make 4 notches in 1 knot.
How to plant sugarcane: Before sowing sugarcane, make a furrow at a distance of 2 feet in the north, south direction or make a furrow in the opposite direction of the slope, keep the width of this furrow 2 feet. A bed will have four slots. In which first plant the one-eyed sugarcane seeds on the right side of the drain. Keep a distance of 2 feet between both the eyes. Plant onions on either side of the top of the slope. Since onion leaves are pyramid shaped, they will store the most solar energy.
In the second furrow, sow seeds of pulses like Choli, Urad, Fenugreek, Gram etc. towards sugarcane. Sow chilli and galgota on the right side. Keep a distance of 6 inches between the two. Sow vegetables, grains and oilseeds on both sides in the third drain. And in the fourth pond, plant beans on the sugarcane side and chilli and galgota on the right side. Jeevamrit: After sowing sugarcane, apply 200 liters of Jeevamrit per acre 1-2 times a month. Thus, mixed cropping will increase production and more crops can be grown simultaneously.
Irrigation System: Water in each drain initially for first 3 months. But after 3 months, stop the water from drain number 1, by then the sugarcane becomes about 4 feet tall. After next 3 months pour water into drain number 3 and turn off water from all other drains. Because, when we water from a distance, the roots of the plants move forward in search of water. By increasing the length the circumference of the stem increases, by increasing the circumference the stem of the sugarcane increases, by increasing the stem the height of the plant increases, by increasing the height the production of sugarcane increases. This will produce at least 40 thousand healthy stems per acre.
Pest Control: Whenever insects or insect eggs are seen on the crop, mix 3 liters of Brahmastra and 3 liters of Agni Astra in 200 liters of water and spray. Apart from this, whenever the sugarcane crop looks yellow or there is fungus, then mix 3 liters of sour buttermilk in 150 liters of water and spray it.
Sugarcane juice is beneficial for health: Sugarcane juice is rich in fiber which helps in keeping away diseases like acidity, jaundice and anemia. It helps in strengthening the digestive system. If you have problem of constipation then you can consume sugarcane juice. Beneficial for diabetes. Sugarcane juice controls the glucose level in the body. It contains natural sweetness which is beneficial for diabetic patients. Sugarcane juice helps in increasing immunity. Apart from this, it also helps in protecting against viral infections.
Sugarcane is capable of curing the problem that everyone is troubled with these days. Actually, sugarcane helps a lot in getting rid of acne. It contains high amount of sucrose which helps in wound healing. Apart from this, it removes dark spots and spots from the skin and works to remove toxins. Apart from this, sugarcane juice contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus which helps in keeping bones strong.