Marriageable age of girls: Now the marriage age of girls in Himachal Pradesh has been increased to 21 years. This bill has been passed by the assembly and now it has been sent to the Governor. If this bill gets the approval of the Governor, then the marriage age of girls in Himachal Pradesh will be 21 years.
With this, Himachal Pradesh has become the first state in the country where the legal age of marriage for girls has been increased. However, currently the marriage age for girls across the country is 18 years and for boys 21 years. Now marriage in Himachal will be valid only when both the boy and the girl are 21 years of age or more. But if either the boy or the girl is below 21 years of age, it will be considered child marriage and will be a crime. Then there are many countries other than Himachal.. In different countries, the marriage age of boys and girls is decided differently.
The country has a law against child marriage since 2006. Under this, any person aged 18 years or above was considered an adult.
In Pakistan too, the legal age of marriage for girls is 16 years, but for boys it is fixed at 21 years. However, socially and legally, it is considered a wise decision to get married at the age of 21. Social and religious beliefs also play an important role in the marriage age in Pakistan and often getting married at the age of 21 is considered the ideal standard.
The legal age for marriage for girls in Bangladesh is 18, but they are free to marry even at 21. There are many social and traditional attitudes regarding the age of marriage in Bangladesh, and 21 is often considered a safe and sensible decision.
The legal age for marriage for girls in Thailand is 17 years, but it is common to get married at 21. People here believe that getting married at the age of 21 makes a person better prepared to make important life decisions. Marriage at the age of 21 in Thailand is considered a socially and culturally appropriate and mature choice.
The legal age for marriage for girls in Malaysia is 16. Malaysia has religious and cultural beliefs regarding the age of marriage and getting married at the age of 21 gives young people more wisdom and maturity in life decisions.
The legal age for marriage of girls in the Philippines is 18 years, but in this country too, marriage at the age of 21 is considered ideal. This age gives more responsibility to the youth to understand the responsibilities of life and fulfill them completely. Here the social and traditional attitude towards the age of 21 for marriage is also positive.
Sri Lanka
The legal age for marriage of girls in Sri Lanka is 18 years. However, it is also considered normal to get married at the age of 21 in this country. This age provides mental and emotional maturity to the youth, so that they can take the decision of marriage with full understanding. Social and cultural beliefs are also important regarding the age of marriage in Sri Lanka.