In Gujarat, the Congress has demanded the BJP government to declare the cow as the state mother. In this context, the Congress has said to bring a bill so that the safety of cows can be ensured. This demand was made by Congress Legislature Party leader Amit Chavda during the discussion on the bill introduced by the government for regulation of bovine breeding in the state assembly.
Demand to declare cow as a kingdom
Prior to Amit Chavda, BJP MLA DK Swamy said that cow is considered mother in Hindu culture. Supporting the ‘Gujarat Bovine Breeding (Regulation) Bill’, he said, “Our Assembly Speaker Shankar Chaudhary and Vice President Jethabhai Bharwad have not received glasses because they drink cow’s milk. We have faith in cows, not buffaloes, although not buffalo, even buffaloes are needed, but that is a different issue. It is a different issue. The cow is our mother, it is a symbol of the earth, it is a symbol of the earth.” The BJP MLA also said that Agriculture Minister Raghavji Patel, who introduced the bill, recently recovered from the health problems with the blessings of the cow.
Cow safety
Congress leader Amit Chavda said that the safety of cows should not only be emotional, but also legally strong. Questioning the government, he said, “Is the government really serious about the safety of cows?” The Congress leader also demanded that the Gujarat government should bring a bill to declare the cow as a state mother, so that the safety of the bovine in the state can be ensured.
Demand was also raised in other states
Earlier, the Maharashtra government issued an order to declare the cow as the state mother. In this order, in view of the importance of cow in our daily life, it was said to declare it a state mother. At the same time, in Rajasthan, there is a demand to give the status of Raja Mamata to the cow.
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The post has been demanded by the Congress to declare the cow from the BJP government in Gujarat. First appeared on News India Live | Breaking India News, The Indian Headline, India Express News, Fast India News.