A shocking incident has happened in Faridabad, adjacent to the capital Delhi. Here a student studying in class 12th has been shot dead by an alleged guard. Aryan Mishra, who had gone out to eat Maggi with his acquaintances at night, was chased for 30 kilometers, after which he was murdered. Police have arrested five people on charges of murder.
The accused say that they had received information about cattle smugglers coming in the same car. The five arrested accused have been sent to jail. The crime branch of Sector 30 of Faridabad Police is investigating this murder case. On the night of August 23, Aryan Mishra had gone to a mall in Badkhal with his landlord and acquaintances to eat Maggi. While returning from there late at night, the accused tried to stop him near Patel Chowk. So Aryan’s acquaintance who was driving the car increased the speed of the car out of fear. The accused chased him for about 30 km. A little ahead of Gadpuri toll on Delhi-Agra Highway, the accused mistook Aryan for an .mal smuggler and shot him dead.
Information was received about .mal smugglers
During interrogation, the accused told that on the night of 23 August, they came to know from an informer that some .mal smugglers were doing recce in the city in the company’s vehicle. Also, wherever they find .mals, they order containers from there and eat them. After getting the information, .l Kaushik and other comp.ons sat in the car and set out in search of .mal smugglers. In which they saw a car with Aryan and thinking that he was an .mal smuggler, they followed his car.